CQ Amateur Radio

SKU : 6885

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Sale Price : $31.95
Cover Price : $59.88
Savings : 46%
Issues : 12

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Published for active Radio Amateurs (hams) around the world, with a focus on those who operate, build and experiment with amateur radio equipment and related devices, including personal computers.

"A magazine I really like. Covers Ham Radio pretty well. It's a nice addition to a subscription of QST. Main problem is LATE DELIVERY. Often the mag arrives toward the end of the month, often after some of the coming events described in the articles are already over!"

Who publishes CQ Amateur Radio Magazine?

CQ Amateur Radio Magazine is published by N/A.

How often is CQ Amateur Radio Magazine mailed?

CQ Amateur Radio Magazine is printed and mailed Monthly.

If I order CQ Amateur Radio Magazine today, when will my first issue arrive?

If you order today (02/18/2025) your first issue should arrive in the mail Between 04/22/2025 and 05/20/2025.

What is the Universal Magazine Code for CQ Amateur Radio Magazine ?

The UMC is 3110.