Justice League is a subtle satire. Part 1 of the recent 3 part Crisis Times Five, brings you the first teaming of the current JLA with the Justice Society of America! Strange creatures with seemingly omnipotent power are appearing around the world. Reminiscent of the genies, fairies and leprechauns of ancient myth, these unstoppable, impossible imps just may pose the greatest threat our world has ever seen! And when members of both the JLA and the JSA rush to answer the challenge, two generations of Earth's Greatest Super Heroes fall before these magical creatures. What is the source of these new, strangely familiar foes?
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Who publishes Justice League America Magazine?
Justice League America Magazine is published by N/A.
How often is Justice League America Magazine mailed?
Justice League America Magazine is printed and mailed Monthly.
If I order Justice League America Magazine today, when will my first issue arrive?
If you order today (01/25/2025) your first issue should arrive in the mail Between 03/29/2025 and 04/26/2025.
What is the Universal Magazine Code for Justice League America Magazine ?
The UMC is 0438.