The first issue of the magazine had hit the stands in Feb 2003, since then it has been catering to newbies, power-users, administrators, developers and those belonging to the IT industry. Its main goal is to enhance the return on investment (RoI) for organisations by deploying Linux (or open-source) solutions. The magazine is accompanied by a FREE CD, which carries source code, white-papers, software tools, Linux distributions, and even games. The magazine aims at providing complete solution for deployment of Linux.
There are currently no customer reviews for Linux For You With CD & DVD Magazine.
Who publishes Linux For You With CD & DVD Magazine?
Linux For You With CD & DVD Magazine is published by N/A.
How often is Linux For You With CD & DVD Magazine mailed?
Linux For You With CD & DVD Magazine is printed and mailed Monthly.
If I order Linux For You With CD & DVD Magazine today, when will my first issue arrive?
If you order today (01/25/2025) your first issue should arrive in the mail Between 03/29/2025 and 04/26/2025.
What is the Universal Magazine Code for Linux For You With CD & DVD Magazine ?
The UMC is .