OK! magazine is the home of celebrity news. Each weekly issue of OK! Magazine is packed with the biggest stories, the best photographs and the hottest stars from the world of showbiz. Whether it's movies, music, TV, celebrity weddings, babies, fashion, break ups or make-ups, we bring you the truth about stars with exclusive access to every aspect of celebrity. If you want to get up close and personal to the stars you're in the right place. OK! Magazine publishes 51 issues weekly per year.
Excellent pricing!
"Excellent pricing for this weekly magazine full of great celebrity pictures and articles!"
sgreen-76585 - on ResellerRatings.com
Great Experience! We love the magazine and enjoy receiving it...
"Great Experience! We love the magazine and enjoy receiving it every week!"
PearRoadrunner-6218 - on ResellerRatings.com
It's OK for a magazine about celebs. Almost as good...
"It's OK for a magazine about celebs. Almost as good as US and People.
TumbleweedJellyfish - on ResellerRatings.com
Fun read
"Enjoy catching up on alll the stars and their foibles!"
NadeshikoPinkOx-57245 - on ResellerRatings.com
"The OK Magazine website was packed with tons of photo galleries including images of lady gaga and many other celebrities. I love this magazine dearly, and I will continue getting a subscription to okmagazine for years to come."
"Ok Magazine gives the latest celebrity gossip. This magazine is a good way to stay on top of celebrity news and fashion. You will know the gossip first if you read this magazine. It will also have photos of all your favorite celebrities. Ok Magazine is defiantly one of my favorite magazine subscriptions."
Holanda Willaims
"I ordered OK! Magazine a couple of months ago and have enjoyed it ever since. I often share these magazines with my friends who are always excited to get my copies. If this will be your first order from SubscriptionAddiction I don't think it will be your last!"
"As far as celebrity magazines go, OK Magazine is pretty good. It tries to separate itself from the others by having more interviews with celebrities instead of just printing random rumors. It also follows the trend of the newer celebrity magazines by having a lot of pictures and photo shoots, with an emphasis on style and fashion. The thing I like about it the best is the European format, meaning that the size of each issue is larger than other magazines. I work in celebrity TV journalism, and OK Magazine is pretty popular around the office. If you are into this type of magazine, then OK is a pretty safe bet."
Who publishes OK! Magazine?
OK! Magazine is published by American Media Inc.
How often is OK! Magazine mailed?
OK! Magazine is printed and mailed Weekly.
If I order OK! Magazine today, when will my first issue arrive?
If you order today (12/06/2024) your first issue should arrive in the mail Between 01/24/2025 and 02/21/2025.
What is the Universal Magazine Code for OK! Magazine ?
The UMC is 10DF.